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The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

Domi Drust

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor

My name is Domi Drust and I am the Social Media Editor on staff this year! This is my fourth year of journalism and is my favorite class. Besides journalism, I am on the Varsity volleyball team, ASB, Vice President of the Red Cross Club, and am involved in other service groups outside of school. I enjoy getting coffee with my friends, going on adventures, and traveling! My favorite show is Biggggggg Brotherrrr!!!

All content by Domi Drust
Lost in the chemtrails

Lost in the chemtrails

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
May 6, 2021
Caitlin Cague

Caitlin Cague

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
May 4, 2021
Recruiting 101

Recruiting 101

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Apr 4, 2021
Photo by: Steve Wylie

Miranda Bowman

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Feb 23, 2021

Creepy Thrillers

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Feb 9, 2021
Top Row (left to right): Lauren Perri, Stila Fresenius, Taylor McNamee, Kai Pellerin. Bottom Row (left to right): Brooke Bryant, Lia Cerruti, Sydney Fuhrman, Shane Townsend, Domi Drust, Mckenna Thomas. All seniors pose for a picture on picture day.

Lia Cerruti

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Nov 12, 2020
Paige Brakke (right) finds refuge through the retreats SM offers.

Paige Brakke

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Oct 18, 2020

Lana’s timeless treasures

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Sep 15, 2020
domi and coffee

How to make good coffee

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
May 11, 2020
Netflix releases make fans eager for more.

Latest and greatest

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
May 7, 2020
Lauren Perri

Lauren Perri

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
May 7, 2020
Lexi McCabe

Lexi McCabe

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
May 5, 2020

Too much family time?

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
May 5, 2020

Only 24 hours for greatness

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Jan 26, 2020
Jane Byszewski, Varsity Football Team Manager, leading the team to victory

Jane Byszewski

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Jan 13, 2020

Rolling with the stones

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Dec 19, 2019

Paige Brakke

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Dec 12, 2019

Marcus Kim

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Nov 4, 2019
As more advertisers pull their ads, the platform itself is at stake.

“The Ad-pocalypse”

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Sep 4, 2019
Maddy Sherwood

Maddy Sherwood

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Aug 22, 2019
A work of passion - Buy Trust the Wind on Amazon.

Trusting her passion

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Feb 20, 2019
Romaine recall

Romaine recall

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Dec 10, 2018
Set it up - Alyse McKechnie gets prepared to set the ball

Hitting the ball

Domi Drust, Social Media Editor
Nov 19, 2018
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