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The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

New Progress on COVID Vaccines

New Progress on COVID Vaccines

Kendrick Choi, Web Editor-in-Chief Feb 9, 2021

It has been almost a year since the COVID-19 pandemic first caused the world to shut down. Now, scientists are making progress to create and distribute vaccines to ensure that herd immunity is created....

One mask at a time

Sofia O’Keefe, Staff Writer Nov 5, 2020

After seeing the unfortunate impacts of Covid-19, local politician Stephanie Oddo created a Facebook group known as Healthcare Mask Collaborative (HMC) to manufacture cloth masks in impoverished and high-risk...

Bankruptcy R Us

Bankruptcy R Us

Brittany Kaplan and Mia Ross Oct 23, 2017

Toys ‘R’ Us filed a chapter 11 bankruptcy claim Monday, Sept. 18 in a Virginia federal court due to long-term heavy debt. According to the New York Times, the popular toy company has struggled to pay...

Devastation in Mexico

Devastation in Mexico

Ryan Dunker, Sports Editor Oct 1, 2017

Mexico experienced three earthquakes each with a magnitude of 6.1 or greater. Although all three earthquakes struck in Southern Mexico, the effects are felt throughout the continent. The three earthquakes...

Mass is a time for respect and reverence not an excuse to skip class.

New mass schedule

Ivanna Rea, Managing Editor Dec 6, 2016

On Thursday Dec. 5, SMCHS enacted a new bell schedule for students and faculty. A call for change arose after only 587 students (1/3 of the school population) attended the All Saints Mass in October....

Creepy clowns in their communities.

A clown’s scare

Ian Gutierrez and Rachel Tetreault Oct 24, 2016

The month of October is full of Halloween excitement, but some people have taken it too far. According to the Sheriff's department of South Carolina, people dressed as clowns have been sighted around neighborhoods...

Toisnot Avenue off of Ward Boulevard in Wilson, North Carolina, Oct. 9

Category 5

Hannah Prince, Print Editor-in-chief Oct 12, 2016

After 12 chaotic days, Hurricane Matthew's journey from the Caribbean to the East Coast of United States has been reclassified to a post-tropical cyclone. From the beginning of the tropical storm to the...

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