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The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye


Monica Koh

Kiera Allado, Social Media Manager Dec 12, 2022

"Hi, my name is Monica Koh, and I do a lot of different activities from SM. I play varsity golf, participate in MUN, and am the president of the Alzheimer's Club! My overall experience has been great so...

Colt Fulton

Colt Fulton

May 12, 2021

“I’m definitely going to miss being around my friends every day,” said Fulton. “Most of them I’ve been around for eight or more hours each day because of school and football and then...

Cole McKechnie

Cole McKechnie

Alex Vallone, Managing Editor May 4, 2021

"During my time at SM, I have played varsity water polo and this year I started playing varsity lacrosse. I’m committed to the Naval Academy for water polo studying political science. I chose the Naval...

Kilian O'Connor

Kilian O’Connor

Mar 11, 2021

"I'm ecstatic to be able to play my junior year. It's been a long journey filled with doubt, but I couldn't be happier to share this moment with this team. We have worked hard and we deserved the chance...

Summer Miller

Summer Miller

Hadley McCusker, Staff Writer Mar 9, 2021

"Practice with the softball team is going great. We are pretty positive season is going to happen! As a senior, I can't wait to see how our season will go. The team has been working really hard and we...

Brandon Covas

Brandon Covas

Katharine Lee, Feature Editor Feb 23, 2021

"At SM, I am involved in MUN, mock trial, ETV, and am a part of the boys tennis team. I've been doing mock trial since middle school, and yes the rumors are true, I am the self-named team captain of the...

Sophie Spalding

Sophie Spalding

Natalia von Gierke, Staff Writer Feb 11, 2021
I am so grateful to now be a part of the SM family!
Gavin Clift

Gavin Clift

Marcus Kim, Staff Writer Feb 11, 2021

"My 4 years at SM have been an amazing experience that I will never forget. From the sports games to the faith based community, SM has been a place that allowed me to grow as a person and as a student....

Ryan Marquez

Sofia O’Keefe, Staff Writer Feb 11, 2021
When I go onto the campus, I know that I'm a part of the school and it makes me feel a lot better when I work in ASB or perform productions in theater to make me feel like I have played my part in the Eagle community.
Kendall Memoly

Kendall Memoly

Lauren Memoly, Staff Writer Feb 11, 2021

"My experience at SM has been great so far. I love the school and the community of people at SM. I enjoy being part of the several sport programs this school has to offer. I have made so many great friends...

Savannah Jimenez

Savannah Jimenez

Emelin Conboy, Staff Writer Feb 8, 2021

"COVID, as we know, has played a big part in our senior year and it's definitely not what we were expecting it to look like. It really taught me a lot about myself and how I thrive being around people,...

Aidan Agarwal

Aidan Agarwal

Bella Scarano, Staff Writer Dec 16, 2020

"Being an eagle is a super special portion of my life. I am super blessed to be involved in many things across campus. I am super grateful to have an amazing cross country and track team. As well as an...

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