Brandon Covas

Eagle TV
“At SM, I am involved in MUN, mock trial, ETV, and am a part of the boys tennis team. I’ve been doing mock trial since middle school, and yes the rumors are true, I am the self-named team captain of the mock trial defense team. I was skeptic of how mock trial was going to work due to the virtual format, and we lost a large portion of our team due to sports conflicts. However, competing over Zoom and debating has definitely helped my public speaking skills. I will always remember saying “objection” too many times and the judge banging the gavel and yelling at me for my suspiciously glitchy Wifi.”
“One of my favorite things about the SM community is the teachers. For example, my chemistry teacher really takes pride in his PowerPoint intros and we can always look forward to Star Wars animations, Darth Vader narration, sometimes graphics of flying moles during the mol-mol conversion unit. My Spanish teacher always helps me out whenever I struggle, which is a lot. Last year, I was nowhere remotely close to fluent, but with him persistently grilling me on conjugations I can really say I’ve improved.”
“Being a part of ETV as a sophomore has been such a fun experience. I’ve gotten to host as well as make segments, my favorite being my Artist Explore music segment. I really enjoy alternative music (don’t mind my 665 song playlist), and I love that ETV gave me the experience to connect art through another passion of mine, film. In the coming months, I’m super excited to be going back on campus four days a week and seeing everyone back!”