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The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

The student news site of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California.

The Eagle Eye

2020 recap

Bella Scarano, Staff Writer Feb 16, 2021

January: Starting 2020 off with the awful Australian Wildfires and leaving society devastated by Kobe Bryant's death.   February: Covid-19 virus began to spread.   March: The...

New Progress on COVID Vaccines

New Progress on COVID Vaccines

Kendrick Choi, Web Editor-in-Chief Feb 9, 2021

It has been almost a year since the COVID-19 pandemic first caused the world to shut down. Now, scientists are making progress to create and distribute vaccines to ensure that herd immunity is created....

The need for a shared vision

Roman Sergi, Sports Editor Dec 3, 2020

It's unescapable. Seemingly every day, even every hour someone or something mentions the coronavirus. A year since the first case, it is still a global problem, revealing the failure of our government. Totaling...

One mask at a time

Sofia O’Keefe, Staff Writer Nov 5, 2020

After seeing the unfortunate impacts of Covid-19, local politician Stephanie Oddo created a Facebook group known as Healthcare Mask Collaborative (HMC) to manufacture cloth masks in impoverished and high-risk...

Half and half

Half and half

Xiang (Lucy) Chang, Staff Writer, Illustrator Nov 1, 2020

Due to the current situation of Covid-19, the school announced the transition from full virtual learning to hybrid learning, that the school will be half virtual and half in person, two weeks ago. On...

Confirmed student cases of coronavirus in Irvine

Confirmed student cases of coronavirus in Irvine

Kendrick Choi, Web Editor-in-Chief Oct 29, 2020

With schools returning in-person, it was only a matter of time till students and teachers would test positive for COVID-19. Such an occurrence has struck the Irvine Unified School District days after returning....

There's plenty of safe ways to celebrate Halloween.

A spooky and safe Halloween

Emily Freeborn, Web Editor-in-Chief Oct 21, 2020
Following the release of the guidelines, local businesses began adapting to ensure the holiday could be just as much fun as ever.
One of Bella Gerken's posts on the senior class Instagram, @smchs2021. Gerken has posted quotes like these to encourage her peers to stay positive.

The senior year we didn’t expect

Maddy Sherwood, Staff Writer Oct 2, 2020
Due to COVID-19, this year has brought a variety of challenges. However, ASB continues to work to make this year exciting for students.
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