Talon Theater Winter Initiation and Social

Winter Initiation and Social is a blast


Talon Theater celebrated a successful fall semester on this week. They hosted the annual Talon Theater Winter Initiation and Social

Inductees, alumni, family, and friends all came together to support the admission of new thespians into troupe 5524. The troupe is part of the International Thespian Society.

President Ethan Diaz and teacher Sabrina Boyd welcomed everyone in an opening speech and gave awards and recognition to all thespians.

To be inducted into the troupe, a student must commit at least 100 hours total to either Talon Theater shows, theater classes or  TAPA.From there, for every additional 100 hours, the student can advance in ranking and label within the troupe.

Membership encourages active participation in theater activities. It may be a significant component in securing admission to a good university theater department. Each year, there are two initiations, and all thespians are honored at the Awards Banquet in the spring.

Once inducted, thespians attend monthly general meetings to keep up to date with the affairs of the troupe. This year students also get the opportunity to visit the California State Thespian Festival. There, they may perform in or watch solo performances and tech events. Additionally they may take part in courses guided by theatre experts, and try out for scholarships.

After the initiation ceremony, students were invited to the Christmas social. Dinner, dessert and hot cocoa were provided hot chocolate.  Alumni from the class of 2021-2022 also attended and got to catch up with old friends as well as meet the new initiants. Talon theater board arranged games such as musical chairs which Maggie Thilken 23′ won.

The 2022 Talon Theater Winter Initiation and Social was a success with five years worth of thespians celebrating high school theater and the holidays.