The Batman soars to success


Matt Reeves’s The Batman tops the chart of the 11 Batman movies (yes, including the Lego Batman movie). Though the newest version of the caped crusader cannot be considered a comic book movie, the aesthetic, cinematography, and acting together create a three-hour masterpiece.

The Batman feels like a detective story and a film noir. Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne has both the internal monologue and the wit to feel like a detective. His character complements the style of the movie perfectly. His hair and clothing seem to match the soundtrack and the overall dark and gloomy Gotham.

Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman, or Selena Kyle, is just perfect. She perfectly complements Pattinson in their dedication to their roles. However, despite playing their characters flawlessly, Kravitz and Pattinson do not have very good chemistry. Though together they can bring criminals to justice, their relationship felt forced.

Kravitz is not the only incredible supporting actor. Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon is incredible. He is a detective who knows that Batman can bring justice, though his methods may be unconventional. John Turturro as Carmine Falcone also issues an amazing performance. His subtle changes in mood and body language help to prove just how good of a character he really is.

The only supporting actor who needed work was Andy Serkis’s Alfred. Michael Kane still holds his place as the best Alfred. Serkis had potential to be better, his story was interesting but it needed more screen time.

Colin Farrell is completely unrecognizable as the Penguin. I mean, completely. Though he was not the main villain, he has a lot of potential to be a very interesting character in Reeves’s Gotham. Thankfully, HBO Max just gave the green light for a show dedicated to him.

And finally, Paul Dano as the Riddler is just incredible. Dano’s Riddler is genuinely creepy, something which his costume emphasizes. Dano is a far cry from Jim Carrey’s Riddler, a ridiculous version which can now only be described as amusing.

Not only are the characters incredible, but so is the new Batmobile. It is large. It is intimidating. It jumps through fire. It is everything a Batmobile should be and more. The shots of it coming out of the darkness, or it flying through the air after jumping over other cars, is fantastic.

That is not the only incredible cinematography, however. Batman walking down a dark hallway, the only illumination coming from the gunfire, is likely my favorite shot in the entire film. It is a fight scene that you cannot take your eyes away from.

And of course every time Batman comes on for a fight scene, the score by Michael Giacchino enhances the entire experiences. It is deep and powerful and it feels perfect for the aesthetic of the movie.

Together, the cinematography, writing, acting, score, and costumes all work together to create what could be considered the greatest Batman movie ever made. It is intense, interesting, and sets up many characters for either new movies or shows.