Clara Cherney


Clara Cherney

“Remote learning [in Canada] has been different to say the least because of the three hour time difference. I start school at 11:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. It’s been nice in the mornings because I have time to do homework, but after school I am already having dinner and after that I get tired and find it hard to do school work. Other than that, I think it’s gone well because I get to sit outside and see all the pretty trees in my backyard.”

“I’m definitely bummed about senior year because I was looking forward to events like the dances and Senior Cruise. My friends and I already planned our outfits and it’s sad that now we might not even get it. I’m trying to make the most of it because once I finally finish my college applications I feel that it is going to be super fun.”