Caitlin Cague


Photo Courtesy of Caitlin Cague

By looking through pictures online, students can discover what life is like at their potential home for the next 4 years.

“I decided that I wanted to be more involved in my faith at the end of my sophomore year. After my confirmation retreat, I knew I wanted to be a servant leader for my church [Holy Trinity]. I thought this was a great way to meet people in other grades and really give back what I experience because I had such a great experience on my confirmation retreat. I learned how to become a leader through this, and I have met some of the best people in my life.”

“I have really grown in my faith through my people that I do it with and I love going to Bible study on Wednesday nights. I hope to carry that on to senior year at SMCHS. I want to be more involved in Campus Ministry and other faithful activities SMCHS has to offer, like Kairos and other retreats.”