Redefining Lent

Bishop Timothy Freyer gives students a meaningful message on Ash Wednesday leading to powerful reflections.


SMCHS Communications

Bishop Timothy Freyer delivers a moving homily to the student body during their Ash Wednesday Mass.

Students experienced a special Ash Wednesday this year when Bishop Timothy Freyer gave an impactful homily that sparked a revelation in many student’s faith lives. Many students walked away from this mass truly thinking about their life and sacrifices they make in their faith. For Peer Minister Joseph Romo, it was time he too reevaluated his chocolate sacrifice.

He caught the attention of many students by bringing up chocolate. As followers of Christ, he explained we are not just called to give up chocolate or fast food during Lent, but to take a deeper look into faith life. One should focus on looking at the root cause of what leads to obstacles in faith life. Romo was specifically impacted by this homily.

“I knew a lot about lent growing up, but I really liked the Bishop’s perspective on finding the root cause of what keeps us from God,” said Romo.

Many Catholics find it easy to cut out sweets for 40 days, but can struggle to find any movement in their relationship with God from this. Finding the root cause was constantly reinforced throughout the homily. Although giving up chocolate can provide a sense of suffering, it doesn’t help one truly grow in their faith.

“For a long time I would give up sweets, now I have been giving up social media and more stuff. Social media draws me away from God, and not having it makes it easier for me to see Him,” Romo said.

The Bishop’s homily challenged the student body to take a deeper look into their relationships with God and the worldly obstacles that keep them from Him. “As a Catholic, Lent is like what the bishop said- a spring cleaning. It’s a time of reflection and figuring out where we stand with God. Are we far away from Him or really close?” Romo said.

“It is a time to prepare to realize what Christ did for us on the cross and also realizing that he did rise from the dead. It is a seldom time in the church but that is so we can reflect on our lives blessing,” Romo said.

It is not only the homily given by Bishop Freyer, but the actions of Jesus that calls Catholics to reflect during Lent, allowing them to reevaluate the parts of their lives that keep them from growing their relationship with God.