Breaking bad

How to get past some of those unbreakable bad habits.

It takes 21 days to break a bad habit. That’s it. What’s a mere three weeks in comparison  to 365 days? If it only takes 21 days of dedication, why not try to break one?

No matter your persistence or dedication, breaking a bad habit is no easy task. Once you grow accustomed to something, it’s difficult to eliminate it from your life. Not all habits are bad, but those that are can be incredibly detrimental.

So how do you break a bad habit?

Step 1: Acknowledge that you have a bad habit. Sometimes people don’t realize that the things they do are actually bad habits. By acknowledging that you have a bad habit, you’re well on your way to breaking it.

Step 2: Find your origin and recognize where your bad habit comes from. Do you binge on snack food when you’re stressed? Do you bite your nails when you’re nervous? By identifying your origin, you can avoid blaming your bad habit on something irrelevant.

Step 3: Acknowledge the negatives. What’s the point of snacking if it causes you to gain weight? Why lick your lips if it’s going to make them crack? If you can’t find a good enough reason (usually there isn’t one), then you’ve found your problem already!

Step 4: Look for the solution. Replace your bad habit with something beneficial. For example, when you feel like licking your lips, apply chapstick instead.

Step 5: Take notes. Try to keep a journal of your bad habit. Writing it down makes you more accountable and aware of how often you actually do it.

Step 6: Don’t be afraid of failure. Breaking a bad habit is going to take some practice and you might fail at first. Be determined and stay strong in your plan to break your bad habit.

Step 7: Reward yourself for your self-discipline and commitment to improving yourself. Anything is possible with a positive attitude, so remember to stay optimistic!

Real-World Applications

Licking your lips

This can leave you with not only dry cracked lips, but also the need to carry chapstick everywhere you go.

Where's the chapstick? - Make sure to keep your chapstick handy if licking your lips is your addiction.
Adam Campbell
Where’s the chapstick? – Make sure to keep your chapstick handy if licking your lips is your addiction.

Solution: If you lick your lips, try carrying  lip balm. It’ll keep your lips healthy and heal those cracks as quickly as possible. If you still find yourself licking your lips, try buying an unpleasant flavor of chapstick. It seems a little weird, but if something tastes bad, would you want to taste it?


Biting your nails

This can leave you with terrible cuticles and a nails nobody wants to look at.

CUTEicles - Keep your mouth away from your nails!
Adam Campbell
CUTEicles – Keep your mouth away from your nails!

Solution: If you bite your nails, try wearing nail polish. If plain nail polish doesn’t work, try getting acrylics. Acrylics cover your actual nails and will prevent you from perpetually your biting ways. For guys, clear nail polish works just as well as any other color and people will never know. If that really doesn’t appeal to you, feel free to dip your fingertips in a fragrance you really hate so you’re not tempted to nibble your nails.


Pointless snacking

Break this habit and avoid weight gain.

Go lean - If snacking is your addiction, try going for healthier foods!
Adam Campbell
Go lean – If snacking is your addiction, try going for healthier foods!

Solution: Oftentimes snacking is simply a result of boredom. Instead of sitting idle and munching away, keep yourself occupied and interested. Another tip to avoid snacking is chewing gum. Gum has very few calories compared to most snacks and lasts a lot longer.