Count your blessings
This year, more than ever, a holiday designed to reflect on gratitude was much needed.
In a year with a pandemic, lockdowns, and seemingly little hope, when we are given the chance to take a day to celebrate all the big and small blessings there are in this world, we must seize that opportunity. To me, it seemed like people were in a hurry to celebrate Christmas this year. Although getting into the Christmas spirit is important, Thanksgiving is an essential holiday that is far too overlooked.
Thanksgiving may have looked different for many families this year, but the meaning of Thanksgiving did not change. Family and reflecting on plentiful blessings remain at the heart of Thanksgiving. The excitement of the approaching Christmas season overshadows this message of gratitude and appreciation. Senior Lauryn Biddle found many things to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, especially the meal she helped her mother make.

“I am grateful for having an opportunity to go to college, the food on my plate, and my family and friends,” said Biddle.
Even though, many families could not come together to celebrate, they could still connect through Zoom and video chats. Biddle and her family took advantage of these opportunities to connect with family members they were unable to see.
“After dinner, we zoomed our grandparents, aunts, cousins, and my great grandma. I have not been able to see my great grandma since March so my family was extremely happy to talk to her,” Biddle said. “My aunt lives in Thailand so I was able to zoom with her as well.”
A simple phone call. A quick message. A handwritten note. These small actions can make all the difference for someone in this difficult and challenging time. On Thanksgiving and everyday we should tell the people we care about that we are grateful for them.
“Seeing my family all together regardless of the country or time made everyone feel amazing,” Biddle said. “It has been awhile since my family has all talked together at once. I thought our zoom Thanksgiving was the perfect way to gather together and spend quality time.”