Elizabeth Emanuel

“I fell in love with retreats when I went on my first one ever my freshman year. It changed my entire outlook on SM and showed me that the campus ministry team gives me a lot of opportunities to get involved with my faith. I started leading when I joined the Holy Trinity High School Youth Ministry Team and have been leading retreats there for two years.

My sophomore year I led freshman retreat, junior year I led freshman and sophomore, and my senior year I led junior retreat and Kairos and I’ve been on all of them myself. Kairos is different from any other retreat. I was leading people my own age that I hang out with everyday. It was incredibly eye opening and made me realize how much we all have in common I never realized, college, stress, homework, we all have the same struggles we just don’t always see them. It didn’t feel like I was only there as a leader, it felt like I was also experiencing it for myself again. I have found my own special place at SM within Campus Ministry, as both a leader and a retreatant and I think everyone should experience it.