Mary Manese

ASP Director

“The kids that I work with shape the way that I disciplined, helped, and raise my own children. I always feel that the experiences that I have when I talk to parents and their students, I always feel that there’s a lesson that I was able to take from that to use on my own kids. All 3 [of my kids] came here so I really was able to use the lessons I’ve learned, not just from my students but from parents, on my own kids and it made me a little more aware [of] what kids go through, that I don’t think their own parents that their own parents know. 

This is my 25th year, I really enjoy working here, I really do like working with students, and I have a lot of respect for the students and teachers that help us out here and help [the students]. 

The thing that stands out to me is that I think [the students’] experience is very similar to all the other students in the class but all so very unique, and I think that everyone that comes here, I mean there’s not a bad students that I’ve come in contact with. Everyone is always so willing to learn and really well-behaved and nice to each other which I think sets us apart from the other schools. 

I’m very glad that my kids came here, it was very nice to have them and I was also working here, I saw them every day so that really stands out to me, a lot of parents (have or haven’t) had that experience.”