Shonda showdown
We all know Shonda Rhimes’ shows keep you on the edge of your seat, but which show is best at accomplishing this emotional pull?
Although they are two completely different shows with different plots, their popularity is almost the same.
You tell yourself “One more episode then I’ll study for my chemistry test.” We all know what this really means: you aren’t going to be able to study that night because there is no way you’re only watching one more episode. If it’s Grey’s Anatomy, you are hooked and you will not be able to stop until Netflix has to cut you off. If it’s Scandal- then spoiler alert- you will get bored quickly.
The first Rhimes’ show I watched was Grey’s Anatomy and let me tell you, that show is thrilling. One second the characters are opening a patient up in the hospital waiting room and the next there is a tragic plane crash. Regardless of what is happening in the episode, there is no way any work is going to be done.
Grey’s Anatomy takes place in my favorite city, Seattle, at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. It follows the intricate work and social lives of the doctors and nurses while also staying true to its medical side.
The relationships between the characters in her shows are what makes them so captivating. Couples are always changing and new characters are constantly being introduced. There is never a dull moment during the show and this is probably why it is now on its 13th season.
If you’re anything like me, then you very strongly disliked Izzie Stevens, played by Katherine Heigl in the beginning of the show but love Callie Torres, played by Sara Ramirez. Having one character that you love throughout the entire show makes it that much better but that much harder to stop watching. I personally love Torres’ sassy comments and strong personality and I love how she lightens the intense mood with a joke every once in a while.
The second reason I love Grey’s Anatomy is the fascinating medical world. I love the fast pace nature of hospitals and how knowledgeable the doctors and nurses are within the show. Grey’s Anatomy inspired me to pursue the career of nursing. Seeing how friendly the nurses and doctors are to the patients shows how much of a difference it makes for the patients and I want to do the same when I’m older.
Grey’s Anatomy showed me that I want to help people in times when they need it the most.
That being said, I would give Grey’s an 11/10 recommendation for helping me decide what I want to do in my life, and also for helping me procrastinate when it comes to school work. I owe it all to you Shonda.
After tragically finishing all 12 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix, I knew what I needed to do. (No, it’s not homework but I should’ve done that.) Naturally, upon finishing one show I immediately start another. So now, I enter the dramatic and exciting world of Scandal (unaware that it doesn’t live up to all that Grey’s was.)
Scandal takes place in Washington D.C., so from the beginning there was a part I liked. As the show developed, I learned parts that I didn’t like. I quickly fell in love with the dramatic plotline and the characters but equally got annoyed with the relationships.
This show entails a rag tag group that calls themselves Gladiators since they fight for justice. These Gladiators are led by the legendary Olivia Pope, played by Kerry Washington. They become a family by fighting crime and throughout the show they are faced with tough decisions, such as how to handle the secret government alliance, B613.
With lies, murder and crimes, this show seems like it has it all but it lacks a captivating plot. The same old things continue to happen and it gets predictable. While I did love this show in the beginning, the old games started to get redundant. It was always, “Will Olivia choose Jake or Fitz?” and it got to the point where I didn’t want to watch anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, in the beginning I loved it as much as I loved Grey’s but by the end I stopped it early because I couldn’t keep watching the same thing over again.
While I tried to distract myself from Grey’s and move on, I found that nothing really compares to it.
I would give Scandal a 6/10 for its interesting plot but boring relationship. Still, I think we can all agree that Shonda knows how to write amazing shows and grab her audience. All this talk about Grey’s Anatomy makes me want to go re-watch it and further procrastinate on my homework…