Adele is unarguable one of this century’s most famous singers. Her deep vocals and powerful melodies are unmatched in the music industry today. Over her 20 year career singing, she has amassed 16 Grammys.
However, her talent is especially showcased in her top 5 songs. Number five is Set Fire to the Rain. This is the perfect song to sing in the shower or driving in the car. It’s the perfect amount of dramatic and is a classic from 2011. Number four is Someone Like You. This song has more of a melancholy feel and really emerses the listener into the story Adele is telling. It also shows her impressive vocal range. Number Three is All I Ask. This song has one of the best build ups to the chorus. Bruno Mars also covered it. Number Two is Chasing Pavements. Adele wrote this at only 19 and it remains one of her best songs. It is the perfect song to listen to after going through a break up or any inconvenience. Chasing Pavements has the best chorus and symbolism in her lyricism. Lastly at number one is When We Were Young. This song perfectly encapsulates the feeling of nostalgia and getting older. “Let me photograph you in this light in case it is the last time”. Her lyrics are metaphors for her fear of leaving memories in the past.