Every day it shall rain
Six reasons why I love rain and why everyone else should too.
Dec 17, 2014
I think I hate California. I mean, sure, California has its scenic beaches, vast mountain ranges, gushing rivers, bustling cities, delicious food and unique culture — but it definitely doesn’t rain enough for my liking.
Rain is something that southern Californians don’t encounter on a regular basis. We only get an average of 18.5 inches and maybe a total of 30 rainy days each year. We southern Californians are deprived, literally as we have been in a drought for the past three years.
However, when it does rain, I love California. The long-overdue rain we received the past few weeks inspired me to wrap my head around six reasons why I love rain so much.

Outfit on point – Junior McKenna Kroguis shows off her winter style.
1. The Outfit
Whenever it’s predicted to rain, I’m sure to pick out my favorite sweatshirt, sweats, beanie and pair of socks. Even though I can’t wear these things to school, I always plan on wearing them as soon as I get home.
To school, I love to wear my favorite rain jacket (even if not school-approved). Something about being comfy in the rain just makes me happy.
Since it almost never gets below 60 degrees here, even when it’s raining, I’ll open up my window to make my room somewhat cold so that I can curl up in my comfy clothes. I mean, who wouldn’t agree that joggers are da bomb and camping socks are even better.
Being in my “rainy day attire” just makes me feel like life’s alright.

Coffee art – A rainy day is the perfect opportunity to snag a cup of joe.
2. The Coffee
Coffee might be the best part about rain. It’s almost never cold enough to enjoy a piping hot cup of coffee here in California, but the rain provides the prime opportunity.
From as early as I can remember, my mom has always driven me to Starbucks or a local coffee shop on a rainy day to grab a hot chocolate or my favorite, chai latte.
Now that I am older and able to drive, whenever it rains, I love to sit in my favorite local coffee shop, J.C. Beans, with a nice hot cup of coffee, watching the rain pour down.
Coffee to me is essential to a rainy day because it enables the consumer to enjoy the weather without getting too cold. I look forward to enjoying my hot cup of joe without having to worry about dying of heat stroke.
3. The Music
This past October my good friend Maggie Morris introduced me to the Spotify playlist, “Rainy Day”. At first I didn’t think much of it since the music was quite dreary and depressing and most of the songs talked about death and loneliness. But slowly, I came to really appreciate the deeper meaning in each song.
I continuously listened to it almost every night while doing homework, but the only thing that was missing was rain. When we encountered our first rainy day in what felt like years a few weeks ago, that playlist was on repeat. All 50 songs, especially Lunacy by the Rue Royals, were playing in my car, during class and throughout my home speaker system.
Each song’s lyrics helped me appreciate the rain even more than before. Rain had always been something I loved, but now because of this new playlist, I understand how rain can symbolize moods, feelings and emotions. Every time it rains, I look forward to putting “Rainy Day” on replay.

Downpour – Freshman Ally Campbell is forced to stand in the rain for a prime photo opportunity.
4. The Sound
Although I love listening to the “Rainy Day” playlist, sometimes it’s nice to just listen to the sound of the rain. This is something I enjoy probably most of all, especially before going to bed.
The calming symphony of each drop on the cold concrete and the window pane allows me to reflect on my day, week or even life. There’s something unique to the sound of the rain that makes it so therapeutic. It also puts me to sleep which is bless.
5. That Smell Doe
Rain is the best smell ever. Everything smells so clean and pure during a rainfall. It’s basically like the world just got a really good shower. I’m not sure why everything smells so fresh after a substantial downpour, but Old Spice should really take advantage of it and create a new scent called “Rainfall”. Best thing ever. I’d wear it every day.

Let it rain – Raindrops appear on the car windshield early in the morning.
6. The Driving
Driving in the rain is something that us Californians don’t get to do very often. I personally think it’s like a roller coaster, dodging fallen branches and plunging into puddles. The car is also the best place to experience everything that rain has to offer. You can drink a cup of coffee while listening to the “Rainy Day” playlist in a beanie and sweatshirt, while listening to the rain hit your windshield, with your windows down.
Being in the car while it’s raining is an unreal experience. Some people really do suck at driving in the rain, but that’s what makes it even more fun (and I guess a little dangerous). It adds some spice to your everyday boring drive home.
So that’s it. You have heard about my obsession with rain. Whether you can completely relate or you think I’m completely strange, rain truly is something that makes me happy. I wish that I could drive down Antonio every day with the rain hitting against my windshield and “Rainy Day” blasting through my speakers as I pull into the church lot.
Let’s pray that we get some more rain this year.